Help! I've never been here before and I don't know what the Scuba Gift Registry is!
- The Scuba Gift Registry is like a wedding or baby registry.
- It is made especially for scuba divers and snorkelers and their loved ones and friends.
- It can be used for any occasion. (eg: Birthdays, Anniversaries, Just Because...)
- To see what we have to offer choose the "Take a Tour" option on the main Scuba Gift Registry page and follow the on screen instructions.
What is a wish list?
- The Scuba Gift Registry wish list is a list of scuba/snorkeling related items you have choosen.
- It includes a small picture and description of each item
Can I see what a wish list looks like?
- Yes. See ours: Choose "View and Print Wish Lists" on the main Scuba Gift Registry screen.
- When it asks for an email address type in
- Use the first wish list that is displayed by pressing the "Use Wish List" button.
- You will see an example of a wish list.
- You can print it by choosing "File" and then "Print" from your browser's tool bar.
Why would I ever need to make a wish list?
- Have you ever had a friend or loved one complain they did not know what to get you for a present? - A wish list can help!
- Non-divers buying scuba equipment for their loved ones or friends have many options - Eliminate their stress by pointing them in the right direction with a wish list.
- Wish lists give a visual representation of scuba/snorkeling gear you actually need, want and will use.
How many wish lists can I make?
- Free members can make and save 2 wish lists.
Can I change my wish list after I make it?
- You can edit your wish list as many times as you like, and at any time, by going to "Login & Create Wish List" on the main Scuba Gift Registry screen -Choose the wish list you wish to edit and follow the screen directions.
How will my friends know I have a wish list?
- Free members can email their friends and loved ones giving them the url (, the email address they used to set up their wish list, and the name of their wishlist (eg: M00000#W00000#).
- You can also use your browser to print your wish list. Windows users go to "File" and then "Print" - You can then mail or courier it to your friends and loved ones.
How can my friends see my wish list online?
- Friends can access your wish lists by going to "View and Print Wish Lists" on the main Scuba Gift Registry screen - They will need the email address you used to set up your wish list and the name of your wish list (eg: M00000#W00000#).
I've made my wish list...Can we buy the items from this site?
- No. This site only provides you with a tool to create a list of scuba/snorkeling related items you want.
- Items must be purchased from dive shops, scuba centers or online retailers.
I am not sure I want to become a member. Is there any way to see what items I could choose?
- You can go to the "Take a Tour" option on the main Scuba Gift Registry screen.
- Choose a category - There are quite a few, so remember to scroll down.
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
- Remember only members can create/save wish lists so if you like what you see sign up!
I have forgotten my password. Can it be reset?
- Yes. You will need to email the webmaster ( from the email address you used to set up your wish list.
- State your name, birthdate and that you have forgotten your password and would like it reset.
- You will be notified by email once the password has been reset. (This may take up to 24 hours)
HELP!!! I'M STILL LOST!!! What can I do?