How many times have you had a non-diving friend complain about trying to get the perfect scuba-related gift for you? they just did not know what to get you? |
The Scuba Gift Registry is the perfect tool to help all of your friends and family select gifts that are related to scuba diving and snorkelling. It provides a way to create a visual reference guide of items you would like, which you can provide to all the special people in your life. It will effectively eliminate the stress the non-diver feels walking into a scuba store for the first time. You will get equipment you actually need, want and will use!
As a free member of this site, you can effectively manage your gift wishlists to ensure family and friends can easily select the perfect gift for you! Once you sign up, your free membership will provide you with the option of creating two separate lists. You may want to create different lists for different occasions or people. Once you create your list, provide your friends and family with the email address you used to create your "Wish List" and they can enter the visitor side of the site through the "View Wishlists" link. They enter your email address, choose the list you have created, and instantly can see a printable, visual representation, of all the items on your Scuba Gift Registry "Wish List". Scuba shops can contact us at to sign up for a small monthly fee which puts you on the dive shop preference list, listed as a supplier of products on the wishlist, allows you to post an advertisement, add your site links and much more! We are still working on a few things including adding more items to the "categories" for you to add to your personal wishlists, so come back often to see what new items we've added. Remember, your wishlist does not have to be a static list we will be adding new items as they become available to the scuba population, come back, login, and update or revise your list as often as you like. ATTN: Manufacturers and Distributors We are currently accepting additions to our product listings. To get your products listed on our site or for more information: Contact us at or by phone in Canada (403)-282-3651 As this site is new and although we are hoping we've worked out all the bugs; if you find any, or have any concerns, issues, or difficulties, please feel free to contact us by email at If you are still not quite sure what we are all about check out our "Help" page for more information. |